Heaven Speaks to Priests CD
Product Code: AD1003This audiobook of an exerpt from Volume Four, Part Two: Heaven Speaks to Priests.
It contains professionally recorded messages with beautiful background music. This is a wonderful way to immerse yourselves in these messages from heaven. Listen to them at home, in your car, anywhere. These will be an especially welcome gift to the visually impaired.
Part Two: Heaven Speaks to Priests
These messages in the book were recorded by Anne, a lay apostle, in January and February 2004. They contain messages from Jesus and God the Father to priests. They encourage priests to be united totally to Jesus in their vocation, to be infused by the Holy Spirit. They give priests practical advice in the difficulties they encounter in their vocation. They offer encouragement and understanding. They speak with great love and offer divine wisdom in all the struggles that priests experience.
"My sons, you are heaven's treasures. I am consoled by you more than your humanity can imagine. If you understand how much consolation I take from your vocation, you might indeed feel overwhelmed with responsibility, so I shield you from such a burden. I do not, however, shield you from the reality of your role in the coming of My Kingdom. Be alert during this time as I am returning." - Jesus, January 28, 2004