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Glories of the Precious Blood
The Holy Mass
On the Eucharist (Ecclesia de Eucharistia)
The Mass Paint Book
Jesus Invites Me to Mass
The Eucharist: The Church's Greatest Treasure
The Blessed Sacrament: God with Us
The Mass Explained
The Lamb's Supper
Handbook of the Mass
Meditations Before Mass
The Biblical Roots of the Mass
Traditional Mass for Children
The Catholic Mass . . . Revealed! DVD/CDs
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
If Your Mind Wanders at Mass
We Go to Mass
Teach Me About the Mass
My First Hymn Book
The Mass Book for Children
Real Presence: What Does It Mean and Why Does It Matter?
One Sunday at a Time: Preparing Your Heart for Weekly Mass (Cycle B)
My First Interactive Mass Book