Heaven Speaks About Depression
Product Code: BK1045This booklet contains messages recorded in August 2005 from Jesus, the Blessed Mother, St. Dymphna and St. Paul. In these messages to the those who suffer from depression, Heaven offers the remedy that will bring light and joy into despairing hearts.
"I send the greatest graces of courage to all who read these words ... Bring all of your sadness to Me. Pour it out to Me. I will listen and I will continue to listen for days and days and on into eternity if necessary. I have the time, My beloved apostle. I am not too busy to listen to you. You may cry if you wish because I assure you, when I lived upon the earth, I also cried. Pain is unavoidable until you arrive in heaven ... Be patient, while I see to your wounds and hurts."-Jesus, August 8, 2005