Volume 6: Heaven Speaks to Families

Volume 6: Heaven Speaks to Families

Product Code: BK1034
  • $7.00

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Part One: Mary, an unknown saint, Speaks to Mothers

These messages were recorded by Anne, a lay apostle, in June 2004. They contain messages from Mary, an unknown saint, to mothers. Mary is not a canonized saint of the church, but is a woman, who lived out her vocation of wife and mother on earth and now lives in heaven. She gives very beautiful and practical advice to mothers on living their vocation. She helps mothers giving heavenly wisdom with the greatest understanding and compassion. She includes specific messages to single mothers as well.

"Mothers, you are the cornerstone of the home and the home is the place where the person's soul begins his or her critical formation." -Mary, an unknown saint, June 7, 2004

Part Two: St. Joseph Speaks to Fathers

These messages were recorded by Anne, a lay apostle, in June 2004. They contain messages from St. Joseph to fathers. St. Joseph explains the importance and beauty of their vocations as husbands and fathers. He speaks about all the struggles fathers face in their vocation and gives beautiful practical advice and encouragement to them. He offers powerful direction with the love and compassion of heaven of how fathers can live out their beautiful vocation.

"Your family can be another pocket of holiness, as we were. I will show you how. Remember that you have great and limitless help in heaven. Do not be discouraged if your family is struggling with worldly influences. Together we will move toward the example that our little Holy Family has set for you. All is well. Let us begin." -St. Joseph, June 14, 2004

Part Three and Four: Jesus and Mary, Our Blessed Mother, Speak to Children

These messages were recorded by Anne, a lay apostle, in June, July and August 2004. These are beautiful messages from Jesus and Mary, Our Blessed Mother, to children. They speak perfectly to children in the most loving way, helping them to understand heavenly concepts and encouraging them to continue to grow closer to God. They give them beautiful simple lessons on how to do these things. They help them to understand how heaven loves them, is always with them, and will help them with everything.

"I am with you, dear children of the world. Do not be afraid because I am all powerful and I am your friend. When you are finished in the world, you will come to My home. My home is heaven. I have prepared a beautiful place for you to live, where you will be very happy with all of the people you love from earth." -Jesus, June 22, 2004

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