Divine Mercy Flood My Soul by Annie Karto
Product Code: CD1152"For some time now, I have wanted to release a CD dedicated to the Divine Mercy of God. The beautiful Divine Mercy Chaplet is featured on this CD with beautiful stringed instruments creating a reverent, prayerful tone. Fr. Leszek Czelusniak M.I.C., leads the spoken chaplet with his unique Polish accent. As a Marian of the Immaculate Conception priest, Fr. Leszek is devoted to The Divine Mercy of God. This CD includes quotes from St. Faustina's diary, which are spoken in between songs. It is a wonderful CD to play in your car on the way to work or anytime you wish to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet." - Annie Karto
1Divine Mercy Chaplet (Spoken)
2 Divine Mercy Flood My Soul
3 Diary Entry No. 1486
4 Healer of My Soul
5 Diary Entry No. 786
6 Come to the Cross
7 Diary Entry No. 1485
8 Divine Mercy Praises No. 949
9 Diary Entry No. 1385
10 Jezusa Ukrytego
11 Divine Mercy Chaplet (In Song)