St. Agatha (Breast Cancer) Healing Holy Card with Medal
Product Code: PC1022"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and the one who seeks, finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." --Matthew 7:7-8
Prayer is an essential tool for healing and is an excellent source of comfort, courage and strength for those who are suffering. During times of illness, disease or a life challenge, nothing is more important than to offer prayer and to join with others in assurance of these prayers.
In addition to prayer, the Saints protect us against harm, help strengthen our faith and offer spiritual guidance and healing. They are our models of prayer and their intercession helps present powerful prayers of healing to God on our behalf.
This holy card and medal set includes a high-quality prayer card that contains novena prayers specific to suffering caused by breast cancer, a short biography of St. Agatha and an oxidized silver medal.
Saint Agatha was born of a noble family in Sicily in the third century and took vows of virginity at a young age.
When she was pursued by a pagan consul named Quintian, she rejected him resolutely. Quintian had Saint Agatha arrested for being a Christian and brought before him for punishment. First, he sent her to live in a brothel to try and corrupt her. Saint Agatha's faith did not waiver and she was sent back to Quintian for further torture. He then ordered that she be stretched on a rack and have her breasts cut off. Saint Peter miraculously appeared to her afterwards and restored her breasts. After hearing of her healing, Quintian had Saint Agatha rolled over burning coals until she died.
Saint Agatha is recognized today as the patroness of those who suffer from breast cancer. Her feast day is February 5th.
Saint Agatha, Pray for Us!