Green Scapular
Product Code: SC1006Is your heart heavy because you see a loved one living a Godless life? Our Blessed Mother gave us one means of converting a loved one when she appeared to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu in 1840 carrying the cloth of conversion---the Green Scapular. She said, "This holy badge of my Immaculate Heart is to be the means of conversion of souls...". Over a six year period our Lady appeared many times to Sister Justine and answered her many questions concerning the scapular and its usage.
Our Lady said the Green Scapular needs no special blessing nor does one need to be invested or enrolled in it. Any priest may bless it. It may be worn or carried by the person you wish to benefit. It may even be placed unknown to the individual in his or her clothes, bed or room should they refuse to take it or wear it.
approximately 2" x 1-1/2"