Catholicism in Crisis
Product Code: BK1985Many Catholics have heard the famous vision given to Pope Leo XIII in 1884, in which he overheard Satan boasting to Jesus that, given enough time, he could destroy the Church. Very few are aware, however, that a similar vision was granted to a 19th century French seeress, Marie Julie Jahenny. Can anyone seriously deny that Satan's plan is well advanced, and that the spiritual condition of Catholics and of the world is likely to become even more troubled in the near future?
Fr. Joseph Esper offers "Catholicism in Crisis," to provide faithful Catholic with a short, understandable, yet through, account of what has happened to our Church over the past century-particularly the last few decades. In order to understand and defend ourselves and our Church against the tactics of our adversary, Fr. Esper helps to make us aware of the "big picture", that we may "remain sober and alert" (1 Pt.5:8).
Jesus assures us that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church (Mt. 16:18), but that does not mean that Satan's attacks are frivolous or inconsequential. Our Lord has prayed that we might be preserved from the power of the Evil One (Jn. 17:15), but we must do our part by understanding the nature of the war being waged against us. You will be enlightened and inspired to action, as you read "Catholicism in Crisis, Satan's Assault in the Church and the Coming Triumph of the Immaculate Heart."
156 pages. Paperback.