How to Make a Good Confession
Product Code: BK2161Many Catholics avoid the Sacrament of Reconciliation simply because they don't remember how to confess their sins. They simply don't know what to say and are too embarrassed to ask.
How to Make a Good Confession, the newest pamphlet from Our Sunday Visitor, gives Catholics those words, describing the actions and responses for each step of the sacrament. It also serves as a practical guide to a thorough examination of conscience, asking a series of commandment-based real-world questions. Even those familiar with the steps of the sacrament will benefit from a more thoughtful confession.
Equally as important, How to Make a Good Confession will inspire Catholics to seek reconciliation by reminding them of the great grace and peace they can receive when they ask for God's endless mercy.
This pamphlet is perfect for display in the back of the church or near the reconciliation room - parishioners can read it as they prepare for confession, or take it with them for reference. Use this pamphlet as a bulletin insert or mail it with other parish materials - it's a wonderful way to remind parishioners to seek God's forgiveness through the sacrament.