Peaceful Music for Prayers of the Heart by Thomas Jones
Product Code: CD1025Thomas Jones's "Peaceful Music for Prayers OF THE HEART" is a collection of solo piano interpretations of beloved spiritual and inspirational pieces, including such familiar songs and hymns as "On Eagle's Wings," "Prayer of St. Francis," "Be Not Afraid," "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name," "Like A Shepherd," and "You Are Near." Included among the sixteen tracks available on CD are four original compositions, "Revelation," "Surrender," Benediction," and the title piece, "Of The Heart."
List of Songs:
1 On Eagle's Wings
2 Of The Heart
3 Prayer of St. Francis
4 Revelation
5 Here I Am, Lord
6 Be Not Afraid
7 Only A Shadow
8 Like A Shepard
9 You Are Near
10 Blest Are They
11 Surrender
12 Only in God
13 You Are Mine
14 Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above
15 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
16 Benediction