Pray the Seven Sorrows Rosary with Immaculee
Product Code: CD1145Immaculée invites you to pray the rosary of the Seven Sorrows given by Our Lady to the visionary, Marie Claire.
Our Lady of Kibeho stated, "If you say the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows and meditate on it well, you will find the strength you need to repent of your sins and convert your heart. Pray my Seven Sorrows to find repentance."
Content List:
1st Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon
2nd Sorrow: The flight into egypt
3rd Sorrow: The loss of Jesus in the temple
4th Sorrow: Mary meets Jesus on the way to calvary
5th Sorrow: Jesus dies on the cross
6th Sorrow: Mary receives the dead body of Jesus
7th Sorrow: Jesus is laid in the tomb