Secrets of the Ancient Manual: Revealed!

Secrets of the Ancient Manual: Revealed!

Product Code: BK2865
  • $15.99

This must-read for every Dragon Slayer or Dragon-Slayer-to-be, is Sir Wyvern Pugilist’s long-awaited guide to the Bible for kids. By retelling key stories from the Ancient Manual (aka the “Bible”), he guides the reader through the Manual’s puzzling network of crisscrossing tunnels, stopping to excavate its caves, and eventually shines a brilliant light on the treasures hidden deep within its chambers—the answers to your questions about slimy, disgusting dragons, and why we’re here with them, and where to find rescue from their deathly clutches. Read his manual alongside the Ancient Manual—and you will never be the same.

200 pages. Paperback.

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