When Did We See You, Lord?

When Did We See You, Lord?

Product Code: BK1673
  • $14.95

Time after time ...


We say, "If only I had lived when Jesus walked on earth, I would have followed Him day after day. I would have been His disciple, ready to serve Him in any way I could."

We listen to Our Lord's words that "I was hungry ... I was thirsty ... I was a stranger ... I was naked ... I was sick ... I was in prison ..."

We fail to pay attention when He tells us, "You gave me food ... You gave me drink ... You welcomed me ... You clothed me ... You visited me ... You came to me ..."

Jesus offers us the opportunity to follow Him day after day and serve Him by serving those in need. But just as Christ "hides" in the Eucharist under the appearance of bread and wine, it's easy to overlook Him -- to ignore Him -- in those who are hurting.

Based on Matthew 25:31-46, the meditations in When Did We See You, Lord? can help give us new ears, to truly hear Christ inviting us to serve Him. And new eyes, to truly see Christ waiting for us in those needing help.

176 pages. Hardcover.

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